How Do You Safely Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home When You Own A Cat?

Posted on: 26 August 2022

Even though you give your cat a lot of love and attention, they may not be the best rat catcher. Having a cat in your home when you're dealing with a rat infestation brings up some added difficulty in dealing with it since you need to use pet-safe methods of rat control. Thankfully, there are ways to deal with rats behind the walls without harming the little kitty. If you want to find out how, read on.
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Squirrels Being A Nuisance? What You Can Do About Them

Posted on: 20 July 2022

Squirrels are a major nuisance, especially when they begin to invade your space and get into your garage, shed, or into your home itself. These pests are excellent climbers, so they can get up your six-foot fence easily, and they can climb onto your roof or get into your attic if they want to. These pests can cause a lot of damage, leaving a mess in their wake, not to mention they could also be carrying diseases and other pests with them that can also cause you problems.
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Bed Bugs? Don't Panic, Do This

Posted on: 14 June 2022

Bed bugs are feared by many people and are a common household problem—20% of the US population has encountered bed bugs in one form or another at least once. If you think you have bed bugs, know that it has nothing to do with how clean your house is. Bed bugs are opportunists and will make any humid environment their own. There are a few things you should do when you have bed bugs, and one of them is to not panic.
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Rodent Infestation 101: Signs You Need Pest Control

Posted on: 10 May 2022

A common reason for homeowners to call a local pest control company is to combat rodent infestations. If you're unsure about whether or not you have a rodent problem, it's important that you know how to recognize it. In fact, the sooner you recognize those signs, the better. Rodents reproduce quickly and in large numbers, so a moderate infestation now could be an absolute nightmare soon. Here's a look at some of the signs that you have a rodent problem that needs attention.
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