Why Cockroach Infestations Are Harmful To Asthma Sufferers

Posted on: 6 April 2021

Cockroach infestations are smelly, unsightly, and disgusting. There are few things more sickening than turning on the kitchen light to see a horde of cockroaches scatter in all directions. Cockroaches contaminate food, surfaces, and utensils. But did you know that 60 percent of asthma sufferers in cities are allergic to cockroaches?

If you or someone else in your household suffers from asthma, a cockroach infestation is even more serious than usual. When exposed to these pests, asthma sufferers can experience asthma attacks.

Cockroach body parts and feces trigger asthma attacks

German cockroaches are the most invasive species of cockroaches in the world. And they breed very quickly. As they grow, cockroaches shed their skins. Cockroaches also leave their saliva and droppings wherever they nest or search for food and water. Over time, these allergens mix with other dust particles that contaminate the air and the flooring and surfaces of your home.

When an asthma sufferer breathes these particles in, they may then experience an asthma flare-up. Unfortunately, these flare-ups won't go away until the cockroaches — and their allergens — are removed from your home. 

Vacuuming stirs up cockroach allergens

Though you may try, even cleaning your home on your own can make things worse. If cockroach allergens build up on your floors, then vacuuming your home could lead to further problems. This is because the act of vacuuming disturbs the particles and kicks them up into the air. These particles will then cling to other surfaces. As a result, they remain in the air for a short while, posing a risk to anyone that suffers from asthma.

Cockroach allergens contaminate cushions, pillows, and bedsheets

Even though cockroaches tend to infest kitchens and bathrooms more than other rooms, their allergens can still find their way into the other rooms of a house. As people move through cockroach-infested areas, they pick up the allergens on their feet and clothing, then transferring those allergens to their bedclothes, pillows, and carpets.

This means that asthma sufferers might find that they experience flare-ups during the night as they try to sleep.

Hire a pest controller and clean your home thoroughly

If you have a cockroach infestation and your health is suffering as a result, call a pest control service as soon as possible. They can use bait systems among other techniques to eradicate your cockroach problem. In addition, you should thoroughly clean your home once the cockroaches are dead. Clean anything that gathers dust, such as linens, curtains, pillows, and bed clothing to remove allergens.

Contact a pest control service for more information regarding pests like cockroaches.


From Skunks to Bugs

Almost any animal can become a household pest if the situation is right. Skunks, for example, usually build their nests outdoors, but if you happen to have a hole in your garage wall, a skunk might move in and take advantage of your warmth. Rats can also move into your home, as can a variety of insects, from earwigs to ants. If you would like to learn more about detecting these pests, getting rid of them, and keeping them away, then read the articles here. We are not pest control professionals ourselves, but we do have a lot of knowledge about this topic, and we're excited to share that knowledge with you.


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